Taking Stock

Plenty of Stairs to Climb

Bill and I are profoundly grateful for President Joe Biden’s selflessness, heroism.

After weeks of struggling—wishing, denying, shoving aside, hiding under the covers—his better angels embraced him with love and whispered sweet meaningfuls in his ear—and in Dr. Jill’s ear (hers, apparently, was the crucial one)—gently pulled him into the light.

My husband points out that a marvelous aspect of this turn of events is that for the months remaining in his term, Joseph Biden can be PRESIDENT to the fullest—no need to worry about what any group of citizens in pockets of the country feel about this or that. He can use his legislative skills to the fullest and with the help of colleagues in the Senate and Congress, he can do more great things. He’s been such an extraordinary mover and shaker.

If you’re reading this and thinking, HARUMPH! Trump is the answer! then I beg of you, do yourself and America a favor and read the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025.”

And read the political convictions of  Republican Vice-Presidential candidate JD Vance—for example, a woman must remain in a violent marriage because children in a broken home are worse than the suffering of a woman. That no circumstances of rape mandate interrupting a pregnancy. That in vitro fertilization must be against the law as the procedure inadvertently kills potential life.

In fact, the Republican party no longer exists. A fascist ideology has hijacked the name.

Ahem. A young person was in the living room when I took this piece in to read to my husband.

I asked how he likes Kamala Harris.

“Don’t like her.”

“But you’ll vote for her? Vote for the Democrats?”

“Not if I don’t like her.”

“Then you’re voting for Trump.”

The bright young man who knows better said, “That’s not how it works.”

“Ah, but unfortunately that is how it works…”

“No it’s not.”

My heart sank. How do we reach the likes of that young man? Doubtless there are multitudes of him.

Children, we have a lot of work to do.

A lot of stairs to climb to reach our goal.

We can do it. We MUST do it.

Anyway, Hooray for Joe! Our Hero.

10 Comments. Leave new

  • My disagreement lies in the fact that nobody who had an opinion had any factual evidence regarding President Biden’s intellectual state. Not the loud voices demanding that he stand down. Not the lesser voices trying to support him as the great president he has been. The only evidence that ended up actually mattering, it turned out, was whether or not he could be re-elected. I don’t minimize that at all–it is in fact THE crucial factor. But his chances were tremendously diminished by the media frenzy and their self-fulfilling prophecy that he would lose. In the end it was the mob with the loudest voices and the biggest purses that got their way. As they pretty much always do. Some of that mob are people I have previously respected. It will be some time before I take their words seriously again.

    • Ach, Deborah, I greatly respect and appreciate your anger…but of course I do regret it.
      Why can’t everybody in the world think alike–think the way I think?
      Answer that, now, will you dear heart? xxx

  • Susan Goodrich
    July 21, 2024 11:42 pm

    Beautiful essay, Sylvia.
    May the President fulfill the rest of his term and may he enjoy the accolades
    he richly deserves.

  • I agree Sylvia wholeheartedly with your thoughts. Thank you for expressing them love, Linda.

  • There is no choice, Harris must be our next president. Orange disaster will be that, a disaster.
    Tell all young people, they need to fix our elections, make it a real democracy, get rid of the electoral college. Without Harris, there will be no future democracy for the US.


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